Deja Vu Features



    • Customizable ordering format to get exactly what you need in a preamp
    • High Voltage Discrete Opamp Gain Stage with 60 dB of gain
    • Custom Linear Power Supply with +/- 24 Volt Power Rails for Huge Headroom
    • Ultra Minimal Signal Path for Highest Sonic Integrity
    • No Coupling Capacitor in Audio Signal Path
    • Careful Transformer Selection for Authentic Vintage Analog Mojo
    • Post Output Transformer Trim Attenuator for Optimizing Saturation
    • Ultra Hi-Z Direct Input for Unbalanced Signals on Front Panel
    • Highest Quality Neutrik Connectors
    • Wired with Canare Wire
    • Hand finished Hard Wood Front Panel
    • Space Saving Single Rack Design
    • International Voltage Selector for 220v operation



Front Panel Controls

GAIN~ Smooth turn potentiometer or 24- Step ELMA rotary switch adjusted gain from 20dB to 60dB

48V~ Applies 48v phantom power to microphone input

PAD~ Reduces the microphone input by 20 dB

HPF~ Reduce low-end rumble with a gentle 6 dB/octave High Pass Filter  with a corner frequency of 60Hz

180~ Reverse phase by 180 degrees, AKA phase flip

DI~ Activates the front panel 1/4 inch DI jack and deactivates the rear mic input

TRIM~ Bournes T-Pad balanced attenuator post output transformer transparently reduces level


NOTE: This picture has "ticks" around the knobs, which are now included as a standard! 





orange amp knobs.png

Cinemag 75101 Input Transformer~This special transformer is directly related to the famous  Richenbach 75101 input transformer used notably in some of the early API consoles of the 70s. Smoother and more organic then the API transformers used in later years, and a precursor to the Jensen designs, these give the front end of this preamp a perfect blend of focus and punch while never getting edgy or sacrificing clarity. 


Cinemag 123 Output Transformer~ New for 2024!  The Deja Vu is now built stock with the Cinemag version of the JT-123 output  transformer originally offered. After nearly of year of critical listening tests in my studio, the Cinemag version of this classic transformer has won the stock spot on sonic merit. It seems to combine what I love about the Jensen in the mids and highs and then add a hair more lowend to the equation for the best all around  sound thats balanced and musical on every source you can throw at it. This would be my desert island choice, amazing on everything, so its the new stock output option for the flagship Deja Vu preamp.  

High Voltage Discrete Opamp~ We voiced this preamp around the famous Neumann OM-10 Opamp running on +/-24v rails like the old Neves did! This opamp is known for its gorgeous lows and mid range color and while preserving clarity without any harshness, a winning combination. 


NOTE: You can order several other flavors of Discrete Opamps (DOA) to try for yourself. Please be sure to use our list of approved DOAs as our circuit has some special design features that not all DOA's can accommodate and function properly. 

World Class Instrument Direct In~ Our D.I. circuit feeds your unbalanced  instrument signal into a high Impedance buffer directly into the discrete opamp, something unique in the DI world! We carefully designed it to fully unlock the tone in your instrument while imparting analog color that adds inspiration to any source. You must activate the front panel 1/4 inch input jack with the D.I. button which bypasses the input transformer and 48v/PAD controls. The output transformer as well as all other controls are active to help shape the tone.  Perfect for bass and synths! 

Full Size Carnhill Output Transformer MOD~ You probably know THAT bigger than life sound, silky highs and lows that saturate with weight, ya, if thats a flavor you need we can load the Deja Vu loaded with the closest thing currently made to a Neve 1073 output transformer.  This is wide and huge and sounds killer on everything but especially fun on bass and drums when pushed! 

Jensen Output Transformer MOD~ If you already have the NEVE sound covered or don't find it suiting your needs, consider equipping your Deja Vu with Jensen JT-123 output transformers. This lovely transformer has more Nickel then the Cinemag 123 and really changes how the preamp sounds, giving the Deja Vu a richer mid range with tighter sub range  and silky smooth, natural top end. I call this the API preamp I've always wanted, and is very warm, focused, punchy and detailed without any of the harsh upper mids most API style preamps exhibit. There is also more low mid weight, without muddiness then the standard API.  When pushed these transformers really shine and exhibit a saturation character remarkably reminiscent to analog tape! 


NOTE: Jensen equipped preamps will ship with Silver finished version of the black knobs in the pictures. If you prefer black, please include that in a note when you order! Thanks! 


Got questions?

Contact Stephen for all questions and extra customization requestions!